Who To Contact

Please be advised that all Limestone Hills owner questions and concerns should be directed to the Limestone Hills Maintenance Corporation contracted community association management company, Kelly Management Services at 302.565.4499 or by email:  lkelly@kellymanagementservices.com

Lisa Taylor-Kelly, Kelly Management Services
312 W. State Street Suite 208
Kennett Square, PA 19348
302-565-4499 or 610-335-1099
Office Hours 8 AM – 4 PM M-Thur 8-3 on Fri

Composite Board of Directors
Limestone Hills Maintenance Corporation

2023-2024 Officers:
President – Michele Lonsdale (East)- 302.234.7680
Vice President – Bruce Bennett (West)
Secretary – Vita Biddle (NorthPointe)
Treasurer – Samuel Battiato (East)

LHMC Board Members:

North – Cluster A-
Stanley Szczerba
George Manolakos

West -Cluster D
Bruce Bennett
Dan Kowalski

East – Cluster B (Entrance – Shops at L.H.) and
Vincent Lane – Cluster E
Michele Lonsdale

NorthPointe – Cluster C
Vita Biddle
David DePoulter

Standing Committees:
Architectural Review and Deed Restrictions
Contact Lisa Taylor-Kelly at Kelly Management Services – 302.565.4499

Publicity Committees:
Web Site Chair: Denise Baroski
Welcome Chair: Open

Grounds Committee:
Cluster A – North
Lisa Taylor-Kelly at Kelly Management Services – 302.565.4499

Cluster B – East and Cluster E
Lisa Taylor-Kelly at Kelly Management Services – 302.565.4499

Cluster C – NorthPointe
Lisa Taylor-Kelly at Kelly Management Services – 302.565.4499

Cluster D – West
Bruce Bennett

Recreation Committee
Erin Gilpin – 302.234.2498

Limestone Hills Maintenance Corporation Board meetings are held quarterly.  For questions, information, or emergencies related to the community of Limestone Hills, please contact Lisa Taylor-Kelly at Kelly Management Services – 302.565.4499
Click to email: Kelly Management Services

Limestone Hills Maintenance Corp. Assoc. Management Contact Information:  Lisa Taylor-Kelly, Chief Executive Officer, Kelly Management 312 W. State Street Suite 208
Kennett Square, PA 19348
302-565-4499 or 610-335-1099
Office Hours 8 AM – 4 PM M-Thur 8-3 on Fri

Are you Selling your Home?

HomeWiseDocs: Resale Disclosures and HOA Documents
Order HOA disclosure information & documents to ensure a successful real estate transaction.

Dear Limestone Hills owners:
if you are selling your home a resale certificate may be ordered by visiting www.homeswisedocs.com.   Limestone Hills residents whose annual dues are under $600 should order a payoff statement.  This provides a detailed description including data elements commonly needed by closing agents such as all current regular & special assessments balance, financial obligations, owner violations, association litigation status, paid through dates, insurance contact information, fees due at closing, and escrow instructions.

Lisa Taylor-Kelly
Chief Executive Officer
Kelly Management Services–Ph: 302-565-4499

For information about Community Resident Service Ads, please visit our Links Page.

Condominium Board Members

Managed by Aspen Property Management
Community Assoc. Manager: Jeremy Ellnor: (410) 620-2598 EXT 4010

Berkshire Townhomes
President- Michele Lonsdale
Board members – Kathy Walz, Sharon Erace
Community Assoc. Manager: Lisa Taylor-Kelly, Kelly Management Services at 302.565.4499 or by email:  lkelly@kellymanagementservices.com

Stoney Batter Condominiums
President – David Yake
Vice President – Pat Leipold
Treasurer – Don Jardine
Secretary –Bonnie Haines
Member-at-Large – Janet Harkins
Community Assoc. Manager: Lisa Taylor-Kelly,
Kelly Management Services at 302.565.4499 or by email:  lkelly@kellymanagementservices.com

New Castle County Council Member

Councilwoman, District 3- Janet Kilpatrick (R)
Email: janet.kilpatrick@newcastlede.gov
Phone: 302.395.8343
800 N. French St.
Eighth Floor
Wilmington, DE 19801
Legislative Aide: Anthony DeFiore
Email: ajdefiore@nccde.org
Phone: 302.395.8363

House and State Representatives:

Representative Michael F. Smith (R)
District: 22
Legislative Phone: 302.744.4171
Email Address: Michael.F.Smith@delaware.gov

Representative Frank Burns  (D)
District: 21
Phone: 302.744.4351
Email Address:  Frank.Burns@delaware.gov

Senator Laura Sturgeon (D)
District: 4

Legislative Phone: 302.744.4286
Email Address: Laura.Sturgeon@delaware.gov

If you see possible NCC Code Violations:
Property Maintenance Violations are outlined on this NCC webpage
Complaints may be filed with the County  by calling Customer Relations & Assistance, at 302.395-5555
For more information, click to visit NCC
For non-emergency community matters,
please call New Castle County Police at 302.573.2800

Street Light Out?
If there is a street light near your home that is out or damaged, please report it to Delmarva Power at 1.800.375.7117 or click here. They will need to know the nearest street address to the lamp or the number on the lamp.  LHMC does not maintain street lights.

If you discover a downed street light pole or exposed wires, please call Delmarva immediately with the nearest address, intersection, or landmark, at 1-800-898-8042.

To Report Street Concerns to DelDOT
Any street concerns (street signs, curbs, drains, potholes, etc.) all can be reported on the DelDOT Transportation Management Center website or call DelDOT Transportation Management Center (24 hours a day) at 302.659.4600.

Limestone Hills Neighborhood Watch-

To view the New Castle County Police Crime Map for our area, begin by clicking on the link below, and learn about the type of data that can be accessed by entering your address on this web site.  Crime mapping provides an efficient mechanism for the police department to show general crime trends to the community.

Be Aware!! “Stop Crime, Submit Tips”

If you notice suspicious activity and wish to report information relating to crime such as suspected drug activity or anything of a  suspicious nature, you can do so by calling the New Castle County Police at 302.573.2800.  Remember: If your information is an EMERGENCY or requires immediate action by the police, please DIAL 911.
You can also report crime tips to New Castle County via the internet at:   http://www.nccde.org/312/Crime-Tips-Alerts

Help prevent pollution of local creeks and rivers –
(302) STOPPIT water pollution hotline

When residents see evidence that someone has dumped chemicals or debris into the storm sewer system, here’s what they can do:
-Visit www.302STOPPIT.org and fill out an online form
-Call or send a text message to (302) STOPPIT (302.786.7748) with the location and details
-Email hotline@302STOPPIT.org with the location and details


A nice place to live.